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Landowners Services

DXN Surveyors are able to provide a wide range of professional advice for land and property owners. We have highlighted the below sectors which we specialising in, but please do not hesitate to contact us should you require assistance with anything else

Renewable Energy 

Due to Government targets large Renewable Energy developers are looking for land across the UK for a range of uses, the most common being solar farms. If you are approached by a renewable energy company DXN Surveyors can represent you, usually at the cost of the developer. 


We can also advise on various on-farm renewable energy schemes and work with other companies to put forward land for alterative uses. 

Compulsory Purchase & Compensation Claims

Compensation claims usually occur following the installation of new utility services or maintenance of existing assets. We have experience acting for landowners against authorities and private corporations.   


Compulsory purchase can be complex and there are very few specialised consultants in the UK. If you're affected by an acquiring authority, we can offer clear advice, explanation of the process, case law, and ensure your interests are protected and you receive adequate compensation.  


Licence Agreements can be required for a range of reasons usually regarding the need to temporary use 3rd party land for a relatively short term. Examples of where a Licence may be appropriate are for scenarios such as grazing rights, construction laydown compounds, temporary access rights across land, rights to carry out works on 3rd party land such as surveys or tree cutting etc. 

Utility Advice 

A lot of the UKs farmland is intersected by utility infrastructure such as overhead power lines and underground pipes and cables.


DXN Surveyors can negotiate land rights across third party land for your own services or negotiate appropriate commercial terms where third parties rights rights from yourself. 


We are also experienced in dealing with the relocation of existing apparatus in order to maximise the value of land for redevelopment or secure appropriate compensation if more appropiate. 

Property & Land Acquisition & Disposals

Land acquisition is the process of buying the Freehold or taking a Leasehold of a piece of land. 


Before instructing solicitors to complete a transfer of property Heads of Terms are required to agree the commercial detail between the parties. This often details restrictions, covenants, rights and responsibilities which both parties must abide by during and after the term. 


We have a wealth of experience negotiating Heads of Terms on behalf of clients. 

Mapping, Boundaries & Property Rights 

Disputes can often arise between adjoining landowners as a result of boundary disputes. DXN Surveyors can offer professional advice in respect of mapping areas and advising on old agreements as well updating plans to modern standards. 


I would love to talk to you about how DXN can help your business.

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